Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Have you made your appointment?

I finally did it about a week ago.  I made my mammogram appointment.  I don't usually talk about these things with others but for some reason I felt I need to.  I go today after school.  Insurance kept sending me letters saying this is a fully covered service and I am not taking advantage of it.  I was just lazy and did not take the time to make the appointment.  My appointment is even here in town where I live so I don't have to drive to the city.  It is breast cancer awareness month so what better time to take care of this.  No it is not fun and sometimes hurts just a bit but it only last a few minutes.  So what is your reason for not making your appointment?  Say a prayer for me that all goes well. 



1 comment:

  1. Praying for you that all is fine!Good for you getting it done!Blessings,Marla Grace
