Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Know Something Good About You

One of the toughest parts about working at a preschool is the parents.  We have 15 kids in the morning and then another 15 in the afternoon.  So that is a total of 30 parents a day.  60 parents a week.  It is so hard. It is not that I don't like the parents it is just hard being scrutinized that many times in a week.  Teaching the kids is the easy and fun part.  They are so eager to come and learn.  In my book, God's Little Devotional Book for Women, I read a good devotion.  It was just what I needed to help me with a few parents I struggle with.  I thought I would share it with you. 

NIV Version Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Wouldn't this world be better,
If folks whom we meet would say,
"I know something good about you,"
And treat you just that way?
Wouldn't it be splendid,
If each handshake, good and true,
Carried with it this assurance:
"I know something good about you?"
Wouldn't life be happiest,
If the good that's in us all,
Were the only thing about us
That people would recall?
Wouldn't our days be sweeter,
If we praised the good we see?
For there is a lot of goodness,
In the worst of you and me.
Wouldn't it be fine to practice,
This way of thinking too;
You know something good about me,
I know something good about you?'

Since we can never know or tell the whole story about any other human being, why not just skip to the good highlights? 

So those few parents I really struggle with I am only going to focus on the good I know about them.  Like they are doing something right.  Their child is absolutely wonderful.




  1. Good thoughts and thanks for sharing...hugs!

  2. That was awesome. I love how the Lord gives us something that we so desperately needed at the right moment. That was a great devotional and I am glad you postd it. Thanks. It is always good to be reminded of how to keep our heads on straight.

    Anne @

  3. Love it!Thanks for sharing.That is one thing I have been working on.Blessings,Marla
