Sunday, April 25, 2010

Feeling Blah

I have just been feeling so down lately. I am not sure what is going on. I cry at the drop of a hat about anything and everything. Yes, truthfully, I do know what is wrong. I am just very overwhelmed with life right now. Here are just a few things on my mind. Ryan getting ready to graduate high school and will be leaving for college soon, his graduation get together we are having for him, my job, doing with out a pay check in the summer, my son and his girlfriend, my daughter and her boyfriend, my husband working 2 jobs, family I don't really speak to, my youngest feeling I don't spend enough time with her, my car, our finances. I want so much to be a good wife, mother, and friend. I could just go on and on. I have been praying about it and I am really trying to lift all this to the Lord. I just don't know what to do to get the blah, overwhelmed feeling to go away. If you have any suggestions or scriptures that would help me through this please let me know.




  1. but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

    -Isaiah 40:31
    Love you mom!!

  2. I hope you feel better!I will pray for you!
    Don't worry about tomorrow,for tomorrow will bring its own worries.Today's trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34
    A book I am reading you might enjoy.Loving God with all your mind.By Elzabeth George.It may help.May God bless you!Marla

  3. First time to your blog. Having had MANY days such as yours this is what I KNOW!!! YOU get to decide how you feel every day. If you change your attitude things will be better. It does take practice. Heavenly Father did not put you here on earth to be sad or overwhelmed. He LOVES you and wants you to be HAPPY.This is my mottoe "JUST DO IT".... BE HAPPY!

  4. I'm sure we all get down from time to time...I too was going through this just recently. This is happening to you right now because it seems like so many things are going on and alot of it you can't control..especially your son graduating...that's a tough one. I remember when my oldest was graduating (and now he is graduating from college next weekend!) and thinking that it was the "end" to our family because he was going away to college...I knew that it was the beginning of how our whole family would change and it would no longer be that "intimate" group of just the 6 of us. He did go away to its 4 years later and next month he is moving to another state. I am at peace with it, but it wasn't an easy road. Seeing our children become adults is tough. Just take one day at a time...I always say, "everything works out"...and it always does!
    Happy Birthday and many ((hugs)) to you!
