Friday, January 22, 2010

Make Your Home A Haven: Morning Routine

I was reading a blog I really like, it is She was talking about having a morning routine. Yes my children are older 20, and away at college, 17 a senior in high school and 13 and in middle school. But since my children were born I have always had a morning routine. I know it is sometimes hard to get out of bed and get your day started when you were up most the night with a baby or sick child. But, it is so important to keep on a routine. It makes for a more peaceful and enjoyable morning. My kids are still kind of on a routine. They get up the same time everyday. They know when they wake I will be up and ready for our day. Alyssa always knows she can call bright and early because I will be up. Our days usually go a little like this:

4:45 ~ wake; devotions

5:15 ~ check e-mail; look at favorite blogs; start laundry

5:45 ~ make bed; pick up house

6:00 ~ shower ready for work

6:30 ~ fix breakfast for Courtney and Ryan

6:45 ~ Wake Courtney; Ryan up on own

7:20 ~ Kids off to school

7:20 ~ Finish picking up house; clean the kitchen

7:45 ~ I walk to work

That is pretty much it. No matter what age your children are it is nice to have a routine. It makes mornings run so much nicer. So that is one thing I do to keep our home running smoothly.



  1. That's a great morning routine, Crystal! I'm super impressed that you are able to get up at 4:45! :) Blessings on your week ahead!


  2. Wow! You get up early! I'm not up so early, but I agree that having a morning routine is important. I can't always think very clearly in the morning, and it's nice for everyone to know what they are supposed to be doing.

  3. I know it is hard some days but she is a lot less stressful when it is done. Thanks for dropping by.
