Monday, August 2, 2010

Garage Sale

Have you ever had a garage sale?  It is hard work.  I have been preparing for mine for a couple of weeks.  We had about 12 big black trash bags full of clothes.  I did not want to do it.  I wanted to take the clothes to the local charity but my youngest daughter was insistent we have one.  So for her I started in.  We priced things together, went to church to borrow tables and got everything ready to go.  We made signs to hang up all over town.  We went around and hung them up Thursday evening and then made it down to the fair grounds for our once a year wonderful, greasy dinner.  It was great.   Any way this last Friday we had our garage sale.  Court got up early with me helped me lug everything out of the garage.  And we sat and waited for people to come.  We talked, we read, we ate, we crotchet, moved things around.  We had a few people but not many. I called my husband later that afternoon when Court had gone in the house for a few minutes telling him I will never do this again here it is afternoon and I have only made $20.00 for all this hard work.  But we talked and said this is mainly for Courtney.  So Court and I sat some more.  That part I did not mind spending the whole day just with her.  My husband came home and said some of the signs were missing and some were curled up so you could not even see the address.  Oh this darn humidity.  We made some new signs and got back in the car to fix and hang up new signs.  He was right, no wonder I hardly had anyone stop by.  Ok that was done so we had dinner and guess what we did?  We went back to the fair grounds for a funnel cake.  Oh I was in heaven and now my arteries are all clogged from my food choices this week. But it was wonderful. Saturday morning we all got up and set it all up again.  This time we had a lot of people, yea.  It is so fun to meet people and talk to them.  You just learn so much about people in town who stop by.  I did like that part of the garage sale also.  Well in the end we got rid of a lot of stuff and the rest I donated.  It is a great feeling to get the stuff out of the garage.  We made enough money to buy school supplies and a little surprise for Court I will show you later.  I am working on it now as she went to spend a week with her Grandpa.  I don't want to have a garage sale for a very long time but that time with Court was priceless. 




  1. I don't like have garage sales either! I'd much rather give the stuff away!!! BUT, you are right... what a special time for you two:-)

  2. Yes, I agree- yard sales can be alot of work! :)

    Can't wait to see what little surprise you got!

  3. Your story sounds so much like the few garage sales that we have had. My oldest daughter wants some extra money right now so we are in the process of puting a garage sale together...LOL. I'm with you, I would rather take it down to the local thrift store which is what we have done the past few years but this time we are in the same boat at you. It's for our daughter. Love your blog.
